National Black Church Initiative
P.O. Box 65177
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Rev. Anthony Evans


July 19, 2012

For Immediate Release



 God is the author and finisher of life


Washington, D.C.- The National Black Church Initiative (NBCI) a coalition of 34,000 churches spanning 15 denominations and representing 15.7 million African Americans is stunned and ashamed that in his first interview with Fox News reporter Sean Hannity, George Zimmerman claimed that it was God's will that the tragedy unfold between Trayvon Martin and himself.  This is the type of backwoods theology that blames God for the ignorance of the human condition.  One can never justify taking anyone's life, nor can they justify taking their own life.  God affirms life, He is not in the business of creating human situations whereby an individual takes another individual's life and them blames it on God by saying it was His will.  There are wars and man's inhumanity to man, but this is a direct result of man's disobedience to God's will as opposed to God's will in itself. 


God does not need to create a tragedy in order to teach man.  Man creates his own tragedy because of his disobedience to the will of God.  So for Zimmerman to claim that God created that situation for him to take Trayvon's life is utterly ridiculous because it is the opposite of God's will.  If Zimmerman would have followed the heavenly instruction as given by the police dispatcher to not follow Trayvon, then he would be alive today.  So it stands to reason, that this calamity unfolded because Zimmerman created this tragedy by his disobedience.  He failed to heed the warning that God was trying to give him through that police dispatcher-not to follow Trayvon Martin.  It is this kernel truth of why he decided to follow Martin upon which this case will be decided.  So, Zimmerman lied on God when he said it was God's will that this catastrophe occur.


Rev. Anthony Evans, President of NBCI says, "This is why the Church and preachers exist-to clear up any mystery concerning the intent and the character of God.  We will not allow anyone whether black, white, Latino, Asian, short, tall, Protestant or Catholic justify their evil intentions by blaming it on God through Christ Jesus as human history unfolds before our eyes."


About NBCI

NBCI is a coalition of 34,000 African American churches working to eradicate racial disparities in healthcare, technology, education, housing, and the environment. NBCI's mission is to provide critical wellness information to all of its members, congregants, churches and the public. The National Black Church Initiative's methodology is utilizing faith and sound health science. The National Black Church Initiative's purpose is to partner with major organizations and officials whose main mission is to reduce racial disparities in the variety of areas cited above. NBCI offers faith-based, out-of-the-box and cutting edge solutions to stubborn economic and social issues. NBCI's programs are governed by credible statistical analysis, science based strategies and techniques, and methods that work.






